
February 2025

June 2024

May 2024

Ruth Hopke – Clerk of Session: Ruth was born in Virginia and a current resident of Charles City. She and her husband, Bill, began attending PFPC in 2004 and joined as a member in 2007. She works as a technical feed support specialist for Southern States Cooperative.

Tower I

Pete Adamson – Pete is a lifelong Virginia and Presbyterian. He has been a member of PFPC since moving to New Kent in 1989, and Pete was elected to Session in 2007. Pete is retired from USDA Farm Service Agency. Pete and Margaret have been active in Sunday School and youth group activities. He now helps his brother-in-law with farming, coaches youth shooting sports, enjoys hunting and woodworking.

Lisa Ballou – Lisa was born and raised in Lancaster County, PA. She met her husband, Tom, at Shippensburg University. Although neither were raised as Presbyterians, they regularly attended a Presbyterian church throughout college. After graduation, Lisa completed her Medical Technology Clinical Internship at UVA and they both fell in love with Virginia. She and Tom were married in 1986 and lived in New Jersey. In 1990, they were able to find jobs in Virginia and upon purchasing a home on Route 155, made their way to PFPC, immediately joined the choir and have been here since. Although moving to Williamsburg in 1997, PFPC is home…. Tom and Lisa have two grown sons, Ian and Aaron who grew up in this church. Lisa is currently employed in a Field Service role for a large hospital laboratory organization which includes frequent travel. When not on the road, she enjoys time with her family and cooking – along with the occasional Netflix binge sessions. Lisa has completed several terms as an Elder, primarily in the roles leading Worship or Fellowship activities.

Robert Billcheck – Robert graduated from West Virginia University with a BS in Physical Education. A US Army Veteran (achieved the rank of Major). He was a Finance Officer and Commander of various US Military Postal Units. He eventually retired as a Federal Government Employee. He has also worked at various golf courses in New Kent and Williamsburg. Currently, he is Scorekeeper for William and Mary Football, Men’s and Ladies’ Basketball, and Baseball. Robert is married to Donna Billcheck. They have one son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. He has been a frequent Lay Reader at Providence Forge Presbyterian Church and will be serving his first term as an Elder on Session.

Nathan Richards – A lifelong Virginian, Nathan grew up on the Northern Neck of Virginia. After graduating from William & Mary, he and his wife Laura settled in Providence Forge, where Laura accepted a teaching position at New Kent Elementary. Nathan and Laura have since made New Kent their home and are blessed with four beautiful kids.

Tower II

Paul Davis – Paul was raised on a family grain & vegetable farm on the Pamunkey River. He graduated from New Kent High School, served 2 years in the US Army as a heavy equipment operator. Earned an Agriculture degree from Ferrum College and a BS from VA Tech then MS in Weed Science from Tech. Paul retired after 28 years with Virginia Cooperative Extension as an Agricultural Agent in Fluvanna and New Kent/Charles City Counties. He specialized in crop and soil science with expertise in soil quality, never-till cropping systems, cover crops and no-till pumpkin production.

Patty Robinson – Patty is from Marion, Virginia, where she was a member of Royal Oak Presbyterian Church. In 1978 she came to New Kent working as a pharmacist at Providence Forge Cardinal Pharmacy and joined PFPC in the 1980’s. Patty and Paul Robinson were married at PFPC in 1983, and have three children and five grandchildren. She has served as a Deacon and Elder, and on the Christian Education Committee. Patty works part-time and serves as a member of the Virginia Pharmacists Association.

Davis Gammon – Davis was born and raised in Providence Forge with his family: his mother, Donna; father, Bill; and brother, Slater. He is also the grandson of Janette Gammon and the late Howard Gammon (elder). Davis also proudly shares his faith with countless family members, many of whom are members of PFPC. He was active in Youth Group and Sunday School activities. He now lives in Richmond’s Museum District and works for the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association (VHHA) as Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs. Davis is a 2016 graduate of Longwood University (History) and graduated with a master’s degree in Public Administration from Auburn University in 2019. He enjoys spending time with friends and family, playing golf, cooking, reading, and cheering on his beloved Auburn Tigers.

Tower III

Hayden VanDyke – Hayden is married to Trudy (Davis) VanDyke and they have a son Grady (11) and daughter Eve (8). He is the son on Jane VanDyke and Son-in-Law to Paul and Marian Davis. He has been part of PFPC since he was about 9 (31 years). He served on session for 6 years between 2015-2021 and served on the PNC that called Pastor Crystal. He is also the President of the New Kent Youth Association. In addition he is an avid Commanders, JMU and Atlanta Braves Fan.

Jo White -Link and Jo joined PFPC when they moved to New Kent from Lynchburg, VA in 2016. Jo has been on the Fellowship Committee, Nominating Committee, and Christian Education Committee. She has also been a member of the choir. She works as an Elections Official for New Kent County. This is Jo’s second term serving as an Elder on Session.